Talk to Marshall Dune and exhaust all options. He’ll cough up the pitch pipe and you can take it.ġ0. First, give the snake to the choking Marshall Dune so it can do the Heimlich maneuver on him. You can also watch my video walkthrough for this section:ĩ. Don’t tell him what to do to the knot yet, or you’ll end up with a different knot. Mine looks like an elephant the first time. Ask him what the knot looks like and he’ll show you. Then talk to F’ther and have him try to untie the bow in Harm’ny’s cloud. Have Shay climb the ladder and talk to Harm’ny. He isn’t brave enough to climb up the ladder and rescue Harm’ny Lightbeard, so you have to. Exhaust all options, then head up the ladder to Meriloft.Ĩ.

Go to the mailbox in front of Curtis’ home and take the flyer about Vella missing.ħ. Let him hug you and, instead of blowing on the trumpet, just stand there with him squeezing you until he gets tired and falls to the ground. Exhaust all options, then continue left to the front of Curtis the woodworker’s house.ĥ. Head left and continue to the talking tree. She doesn’t believe the hook you have will catch any fish, so you’ll have to find a way to convince her later. She has wire, which you need, but she wants a hook in exchange for it. Talk to Carol (AKA Car’l) and exhaust all options. You can also watch my video for this part of the walkthrough:Ĥ. He used every last seashell, so you’re going to have to find something else.
He tells you he needs more calcium carbonate to get the pH balance of his Hull Patch mixture to exactly seven. The ship is really gone! Ignore the choking Marshall Dune for now. Leave the pyramid and head back to the beach.