It's the narrative equivalent of the uncanny valley And the comparison is inevitably unflattering.
Money’s clearly been spent here-the episode I saw culminated in a decently directed car chase-but at the same time your brain can’t help compare it with proper TV shows. Which is to say just about broadcastable on one of the lesser networks in an unwanted slot on the schedule. As for the quality of Quantum Break’s live action, well, it’s pretty much as you’d expect. But equally, the lesson from Metal Gear Solid is that non-believers will reject overlong exposition like a hastily-transplanted cyborg lung. Hideo Kojima has proved that fans will sit through crazy long cut scenes if they’re digging the characters. I suppose it’ll come down to how into the story you are. "What do you mean a kid is controlling me right now?" Remedy did mention that scanning certain narrative objects during the game part of the game will lead to extra clips being added to the subsequent episode, but I still wonder about how jarring it’s going to feel to stop interacting for 20 minutes while the actors do all the acting. Without seeing how they interlock it’s hard to say how much replay value seeing the alternative choices is likely to hold.

During each complete playthrough you’ll make four junction decisions, each with the PR/Hardline choice. Having opted for the PR option, reasoning that public relations is the true evil in 2016, the first live action episode began. The second will be a “Hardline” choice, and results in brutal-but-effective methodology that makes the citizens increasingly angry about your operation. The first will always be “PR”, and involves taking a more cunning approach to manipulating Riverport’s population.
Here control actually switches to Serene, and you're presented with two options in terms of how to progress your evil empire. Speaking of which, once I’d shot through a couple of football team’s worth of hired mercs, I triggered the first of the game’s “Junction” decisions. Anyway,, explodey disaster quickly ensues, leaving Jack and Serene juiced up with new abilities and time disintegrating in the form of some fancy visual effects and periodically frozen bystanders.

Bad news for the share price, and bad news for the people who are on the can when it happens. The fictional Riverport University provides the backdrop for the beginning of the game, where Serene has dragged Jack back from gallivanting around Asia to bring his brother in line before Monarch Corporation’s investors get cold feet over William’s dire warnings that the machine they’ve boshed together will end all time entirely.
(The Xbox One version of the game comes with a PC key.) On the upside, it does mean your progress will be saved between Xbox One and PC, if for some reason you want to switch platforms. Listening to Microsoft at the event, it’s clear they’re aware that this is a frustration to developers, and it sounds like change will be coming. What might not change is that VSync must be enabled, a result of the game being built as a Universal Windows Platform app. It was also running at 30fps, but Remedy told me they will definitely hit 60fps in the remaining weeks of development. The version of Quantum Break I played was on PC, but only playable using controller because keyboard and mouse was still being worked on.